Miami Theatre ‘shines’ in fall play production


Miami University Theatre will present Melanie Marnich’s “These Shining Lives” at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 28 through Oct. 1 and at 2 p.m. Oct. 2 in the Gates-Abegglan Theatre. 

The play retells the story of the women in the Radium Dial Factory in Ottawa, Illinois. The women, known as the “radium girls” from the aftereffects of radiation poisoning, hand-painted glow-in-the-dark paint on the faces of watches and clocks. 

Marnich’s play presents Catherine Donahue and the other “radium girls” fighting for accountability and justice against the Radium Dial Factory. With limited time, the “radium girls” worked to gain compensation from the factory, which neglected their health and safety before they succumbed to their illnesses from the radiation-laced paint.