Professor of music’s new book examines ‘cultural cannibalism’

A new book by Ricardo Averbach, professor of music and director of orchestra studies at Miami University, was released in August.

“Villa-Lobos and Modernism: The Apotheosis of Cannibal Music” was published by Lexington Books, an imprint of Rowman and Littlefield.

The book examines Heitor Villa-Lobos’ contribution to the Modernist Movement during the 20th century. Averbach elevates cannibalism as a top example of modernist aesthetics.

The Brazilian percussionist Villa-Lobos lived by the philosophy of “cultural cannibalism,” consuming, digesting, regurgitating culture and information to create experimental music.

Averbach, an Oxford resident since 2002, has been guest conductor of orchestras in 17 countries. His recorded performances have sold more than half a million copies around the globe.