Oxford allows Halloween festivities to continue with COVID guidelines

Trick or Treat at a safe distance on Saturday evening.
October 30, 2020
While Halloween looks a bit different this year, Oxford is still allowing children to trick or treat from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 31 in the neighborhoods.
Children and their parents are advised that if they want to fill up on candy, they should be sure to follow COVID safety measures, including wearing masks, sanitizing hands, social-distancing and only making trick-or-treating rounds with immediate family members.

In preparation for trick-or-treaters, some Oxford residents are getting creative in finding socially distant ways to pass out treats, such as placing bags of candy out on their front lawns or building a makeshift candy slide on their porch railing to keep at least six feet from the visiting ghosts and goblins.
If you do plan on passing out candy, Enjoy Oxford said that masks are required, constant hand sanitizing is recommended, and you should keep your porch light on to signal trick-or-treaters.