Letter to the Editor: Oxford locals depend on students to keep community safe

Dear Miami students:

Since the beginning, students and townies have formed a symbiotic relationship in Oxford through our local businesses and the University. More than ever, though, we locals are relying on YOU, the students, to acknowledge your role in town as active community members.

Since you left, we have gone to great lengths to keep our town as safe and healthy as possible for our families and neighbors in preparation for your return. If you are a Miami student on this page, I genuinely believe that you have the same adoration for our little town as we do. So, please consider doing us a big favor as fellow members of this community and recognize that your off-campus activities have consequences beyond you.

The result of uncontained COVID numbers will be another campus shut-down. While you are simply making the unfortunate trip home, many of the permanent members of our symbiotic community will be losing their jobs and finding themselves unable to make ends meet as Miami does away with more and more programs, departments, and positions. Your favorite local businesses will also buckle under increasing financial pressure. 

WE ARE RELYING ON YOU! I know you didn’t ask for this burden, but this responsibility lies solely on your shoulders.

Please! Wear your masks, distance, encourage your peers to do the same, and let’s prove everyone wrong together and show the world that students and townies can make the symbiotic Miami/Oxford life work.

Your neighbor,
Patrick Lytle