As spring starts and the sun begins to shine brighter, it is important to remember that dogs need sunlight too. So what better way to do this than by spending time at Oxford’s newest addition—a new dog park on Bonham Road called Barkham Dog Park.
It is the second dog park to be installed in the city, with Northside Bark Dog Park being put in Oxford first on Morning Sun Road. The city will also open the small dog area soon and add a water source for the dogs.
Barkham Dog Park was considered a “community need in comprehensive planning for the city budget and parks/rec facilities,” according to community development director Sam Perry.
Parks Director Casey Woodell said he is pleased about how the park has been received by the local Oxford community.
“Thus far, we have only received positive feedback on the new facility and the usage appears to be excellent,” said Woodell.
And with the addition of Barkham still being fresh, residents of Oxford can expect further additions as well to the park, according to Office Manager Deanna Barbour.
“Currently, only the section for larger dogs is open. The section for smaller dogs will open once the grass has grown in more, therefore expanding the size,” said Barbour. “There is also a plan for a dog-accessible water fountain to be installed and a new dog park shelter.”
Perry would add on to this.
“I know that dog park users are ready and eager to get the new water fountains installed at that location, which will occur as soon as the city staff are sure there will be no more freezing temperatures.”