The Butler County General Health District inspected 13 Oxford restaurants between Feb. 20 and Feb. 26, issuing 22 critical violations and 33 non-critical violations.
The inspectors issued violations as follows:
On Feb. 20, Papa John’s, 619 S. Locust, received one critical violation and four noncritical violations. The critical violation in cleanliness of equipment involved a can opener with old food residue and “black grime” on it, which was cleaned during the inspection. The noncritical violations included not air-drying equipment and utensils, improperly storing garbage outside, the state of the building itself and unclean ventilation systems.
The same day, Bodega, 38 W. High St., received two critical violations and two noncritical violations. The restaurant received a critical violation for package integrity after the inspector discovered a dented can of tuna, and another critical violation for improperly storing poisonous or toxic materials on top of a flip-top prep cooler. Bodega also received noncritical violations for storing paper bowls on the ground and not properly cleaning ventilation systems.
On Feb. 21, Ramen Hachi received four critical violations, including two repeat violations. The repeat violations were for storing boba at too low a temperature and for uncleanable plastic in the ice machine. The other critical violations were issued after an employee dried a deli slicer with a rage after the slicer was already sanitized, as well as for holding the dishwasher’s chemical solution at improper temperature.
In addition, Ramen Hachi received two noncritical violations for having the hot water turned off at a handwashing station and not providing a facility layout. The restaurant added a boba tea bar without approval, which had been pointed out at a previous inspection and not corrected.
Three critical violations were issued to Kofenya, 38 W High St., including improper date marking on food in a cooler, multi use utensils and food contact surface characteristics, and too low temperature of the dishwashing solution, which reached a maximum temperature of 89 degrees Fahrenheit instead of the required 120 degrees.
The coffee shop also received five noncritical violations regarding cleaning frequency, food labels of packaged food, kitchenware and tableware handling, food equipment certification and classification, and cleanliness of nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment.
Among fast food chains inspected on Feb. 21, Arby’s received one critical and three noncritical violations, Burger King received five noncritical violations and Taco Bell received three noncritical violations. The critical violation issued to Arby’s was for cleanliness of food contact surfaces on equipment because the back blade of a deli meat slicer had old food residue on it.
On Feb. 22, Poplar Asian Cuisine, 20 S. Poplar St., received a critical violation for an incorrect temperature of chlorine sanitizing solution in its dishwasher. The restaurant was also cited for four repeat non critical violations, including one because no managers at the restaurant had certification in food protection.
Six restaurants were inspected on Feb. 6, with the most citations issued to Left Field Tavern, 12 W. Park Place, with three critical and five noncritical violations.
The critical violations were for unclean food contact surfaces, using a disposable condiment cup plastic cup instead of a multiuse tool to portion out diced tomatoes, and an issue with sewage and liquid waste backflow protection. The inspector identified a “brown mold-like substance around the chute” of the restaurant’s ice machine.
Reily Pizza received two critical violations for packing integrity due to dented cans and unnecessary persons in food prep or storage areas. During the inspection, a toddler was allowed behind the counter in the restaurant. Reily Pizza was issued four additional noncritical violations.
Subway, 17 E. High St., received a critical violation for improperly labeling poisonous or toxic materials, as well as three noncritical violations. The Miami University Child Development Center, 401 Western College Dr., received a critical violation for package integrity after the inspector identified badly damaged pineapple cans.
McCullough Hyde Hospital was cited for one non critical violation, and Indian Creek Tavern was inspected but received no violations.