Hit and run accident results in arrest of student

Oxford Police arrested a motorist who they say was under the influence of drugs or alcohol when he struck a pedestrian by South Campus Avenue and East Central Avenue at 2:30 a.m.  March 4.

The driver of the vehicle was a Miami Track and Field athlete, according to police reports. Officers recommended charges including aggravated vehicular assault, a third-degree felony, “given the reported reckless and wanton manner” in which he was driving. 

The pedestrian sustained a fractured wrist, ankle and knee injuries, and possible internal injuries. Oxford Fire transported him to the hospital. Three witnesses told police they saw the accident.

The car fled the south on Campus Avenue, witnesses told police.

According to reports, police located the damaged car in the Chestnut Fields parking lot and identified three college-aged men who they believed to have been the occupants. According to reports, police interviewed them further after they initially said they had been dropped off by an rideshare service.

The police report said the car had impact damage and missing pieces on the front bumper. Once the three occupants were separated, they provided alternate stories about the incident. Two said they felt a bump while driving.

The driver failed field alcohol tests, according to the report. He has not appeared in court.