Letter to the editor: US should address global poverty

The midterm elections are of much buzz in Ohio (and in your newspaper) as our state prepares for some significant political races. I would like to take this time— a time of great importance in politics for both present and upcoming leaders— to draw attention to the importance of supporting the International Affairs Budget in politics. 

Currently, only 1% of available American funds are allocated toward foreign aid when a more significant investment in this area would advance the economy and job market at home and cause greater stabilization and peace worldwide while strengthening our country’s national security and diplomatic measures. In other words, supporting poverty-reduction legislation and increasing the International Affairs Budget helps those with the greatest needs abroad and expands our market and economy at home. Investment overseas is proven to lead to advancements in our backyards!

As an ambassador of The Borgen Project, I’m working with the non-partisan organization to see through its mission of reducing global poverty through the supporting of certain poverty-reducing legislation, attempting to influence U.S. foreign policy, and strategic avocation. We all have the power to consider the importance of using our vote to not only urge the actions of our current leaders but also to elect representatives who care as deeply as we do about the responsibility of The United States in increasing the quality of life for those struggling in poverty all around the world. 

A voter’s voice can not only be used at the time of critical election periods like the present (as the November midterms approach), but also throughout their elected officials’ term. I urge constituents to not only keep the support of the International Affairs Budget in mind with the 2022 midterm elections closely approaching our current leaders– Senators Rob Portman and Sherrod Brown– and ask for an increase in the International Affairs Budget. I urge these leaders to increase the budget as well. 

While participation in major local, state, and national elections is a valuable tool of our democracy and freedom in The U.S., true advocacy for the world’s poor (and for our economic growth at home) should happen all year round. We have the power to contact our leaders and ask for their support on the issues that matter most at any point in the year, month, or even on the day.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Sophie Weyn

Student at Miami University