Heritage Ohio hosts Preservation and Revitalization Conference
Photo provided by Heritage Ohio
An artist’s rendering of revitalized downtown Springfield, Ohio.
October 7, 2021
Heritage Ohio’s annual Preservation and Revitalization Conference, featuring architects, community leaders and historians searching for ways to revitalize their towns, will be Oct. 18 through Oct. 20 in Springfield, Ohio.
The program will cover a glimpse into downtown revitalization happening in Springfield and host sessions exploring such things as funding options, maintaining historic buildings and more for participants wanting tips they can take back to their hometowns.
Heritage Ohio prompts economic growth through the preservation and revitalization of downtowns and neighborhoods across Ohio. The organization is the designated statewide Ohio preservation partner with the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
Register for the conference at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2021-heritage-ohio-annual-preservation-revitalization-conference-tickets-161578247889