Oxford Mayor William Snavely and previous mayor Mike Smith will travel to Dubno, Ukraine, for a signing ceremony July 24 to celebrate the new partnership between Oxford and Dubno.
On July 18, Oxford City Council passed a resolution joining Oxford and Dubno in a partnership. The Dubno mayor will receive an Oxford flag and other small gifts.
“We think that at this time, with what’s going on in the world, that this Ukrainian city is especially appropriate” for another sister city to Oxford, Snavely said.
Dubno is in northwestern Ukraine and has roughly 1,500 more people than Oxford. The partnership with Dubno is a “gesture of friendship and goodwill, agreeing to collaborate for the mutual benefit of their communities,” according to the resolution.
“I think cultural interchange is a worthwhile investment,” councilor David Prytherch said.
Oxford has one other sister city, Differdange, Luxembourg.