To provide affordable childcare to Oxford residents, the City of Oxford created a forgivable loan program to alleviate stress of working parents with more childcare options in the city. Loan forgiveness will include amounts up to $30,000 for costs relating to the growth and development of new licensed child care services within Oxford.
This effort works to expand the number of clients served with a larger number of childcare services in the area. According to the City of Oxford’s website, the use of funds can be applied for any of the following reasons: child care licensure and start-up costs, capital costs for required build-out or renovation of childcare space or the required equipment to operate a childcare facility (including toys, cleaning supplies, learning materials and more) and workforce recruitment and retention, including costs related to background checks or screening of employees, individual certification and training.
Information on loan guidelines and how to apply can be found on the City of Oxford’s website, along with a pre-application link to begin the process. Loan funds can’t be used toward existing debt or any cost not associated with the creation of new childcare services.
– Olivia Patel